Seeking Out Resistance

When Was The Last Time You Did Something for the First Time?


The Resistance, as Steven Pressfield describes in his book The War on Art, is anything that gets in the way of us doing the difficult things in our life.

Be it writing a book, doing art, taking on that challenging job, or trying to get fit and healthy.

All kids of things can pop up to stop us.

Family and friends, ourselves, our procrastination, alcohol and drugs and any other addictive passtime.

In fact, the Resistance has killed more dreams and ideas than can be imagined.

If you've ever had what you thought was a great idea to change something in some way, but found an excuse as to why it wouldn't work, that's the Resistance.

But the Resistance offers a hint.

As Ryan Holiday puts it, The Obstacle is The Way.

What I mean is that the Resistance shines a light on the direction we should go.

You see, you don't feel it if you take that job that isn't difficult.

You don't feel it when you decide again not to go to the gym and sign up.

Because those are the easy things.

Why would the Resistance stop you from doing easy things which are clearly below you.

No, the Resistance only shows up when you take a risk and do something difficult.

If you've been wanting to join the gym, but feel something inside of you change at the thought of that, that's the Resistance.

And that's the sign that you need to join the gym.

If you've been wanting to make a career change, but you feel something inside of you change, almost like anxiety and fear developing, that's the Resistance.

And that is a sure sign that the career change you want to make, is the one you should make.

The truth is, most things which truly mean something to us, induce some kind of fear or reluctance in us.

But what is the other option?

To do the safe thing over and over, never actually pursuing what we want?

The last 150 years, that was actually a smart idea.

There's a good chance you're in a comfortable place because your parents didn't take a risk, and did the smart thing and just worked for the money.

But the world has changed, and there's more opportunity than ever to take a risk and not fail.

And now, your job and anything else isn't guaranteed like it was for our parents anyway.

When that feeling swells up inside you, stopping you from doing what you truly want to do, that's the Resistance.

And while it's killed of plenty of dreams, it's also the beacon for which direction you should go.

When in doubt, seek out the Resistance.

Until next time,



Be Bold, Be Decisive