Be Bold, Be Decisive
Stop Letting Indecision Hold You Back
A few weeks back I had a situation with a friend where I felt indecisive.
So much so, that it led to no action being taken on my part to help my friend.
Interestingly, the next day I had a very similar situation with my partner.
I was keen to make the most of the sunshine for a morning walk.
After 2 or more hours of making no decision, Jen finally decided it was time for a walk.
It near broke me the lack of decision being made.
At that moment, I very much made a decision: from now on, be bold, be decisive.
It understandable why we do this.
We're overwhelmed with choice.
Open up Spotify or Netflix - almost unlimited choice.
Search Google for a local restaurant, and you get a similar feeling.
And after hours at work in mentally draining jobs, it is no surprise that we can take so long to make a decision, especially at the end of the day.
So now, I make an effort to be decisive in all that I do.
A yes or no, but not a maybe.
And this or that, but not a maybe.
A clear and distinct opinion, even if it's not agreed with, or the right answer.
But sitting on the fence, gets you no where.
After those two events, I printed and framed a quote from a former coach of mine, from an article he wrote years ago about some rules to live your life by. Rule Number 46 was as follows:
Scared Money Don’t Make Money. This is an old saying that is common in the poker world, which is another way of saying “fortune favors the bold.” In that context, if you aren’t willing to put your money in on a coin flip gamble from time to time, you’re not going to book a big win. In the context of both life and business, I mean that if you’re never willing to take a risk, you have almost no shot of building anything worth mentioning. There are no statues built to those who lived lives of mediocrity, and on the tomb of NO heroes will you find the words, “he played it safe.”
There are no statues built to those who lived lives of mediocrity, and on the tomb of NO heroes will you find the words, “he played it safe.”
This now sits above my desk in the second office.
It's a reminder to be to me to be bold, and not play it safe.
Not on Netflix or restaurant decisions, not in life.
We're all surrounded by people who say maybe way to often.
And they hold back, scared, indecisive and hoping someone will make a decision for them.
Don't be that person, not for them, not for yourself.
Make a clear decision.
Voice your thoughts.
Don't be afraid to be wrong.
Be bold, be decisive.
Until next time,