A World of Negativity

How Do You Show Up?


Watch enough of the news, and you'll be pretty sad at the state of the world.

Watch enough of the news, and you'll realise sad, tragic, drama and negativity sells.

It's been proven before - we don't want to see the fluff pieces of the squirrel water skiing.

So all we see, is actually all we want to see.

I have an understanding why humans are actually drawn to the negative.

If enough things in the world are shit, we work to make them better.

Negativity has it's benefits.

And a Utopian society would likely come crashing down.

We're humans after all, and we make mistakes over and over again.

We're kind of walking fuck ups.

On an individual level, we can choose to add to the negativity.

And it's not a bad idea.

I'm guessing you'd be in the majority.

But negative without action is useless, it really is.

So unless you're giving us genuine solutions, go away.

Now that's not to say we should be over the top positive as well.

Watch the news and you'll see everything is fucked.

There's no need to hide from it.

But bringing positivity to it at least helps people move forward.

It's at least gets the people you know in a better frame of mind to help others and help the world.

The connection between the negative and positive, is the action though.

Again, don't be overly positive without a solution.

"It will all work out" doesn't help.

We still need the "work".

So our goal is to somehow find the positive, and be that for others.

Not positive and unaware.

Positive and fully aware that things suck.

But that being negative about definitely won't help the situation.

Until next time,



Be the Light


Thoughts on Personal Spirituality