You Won't Get Picked

Don't Wait for Opportunities to Make a Difference


How amazing it must feel to be the star.

Picked from obscurity to lead the way and be the shining light.

To stand on that stage, be adored and have all the money.

But the truth is, that rarely happens.

It's rare for the music producer to be at the right gig.

It's rare for the director to see that talented actor at just the right time.

And it's rare anyone becomes a truly overnight success.

Sure it happens, it's just very, very unlikely.

This is both disappointing and liberating.

The chances you become a star tomorrow are small.

But the chances you'll get noticed at all are small.

And so there is freedom.

Freedom to do what you actually want.

Freedom to test and experiment.

And the freedom to pick yourself.

Now more than ever it's easier to connect with others through technology.

Now it's even easier to make a small difference to a small but interested audience.

Now it's even easier to pick yourself if you're willing to take a chance.

In all things in life, you probably won't get picked.

But in all things in life, you can pick yourself.

Now is the time to do it.

Until next time,



Moving Forward


At the Start, It's Not Special